martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Yeah they were all yellow...

Coldplay hace tiempo cantaba:

Some time ago, Coldplay sang:

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

Esta cancion me acaba de venir a la cabeza ya que en esta entrada compartire con vosotros, ademas de texto sin acentos (lo siento de corazon), dos looks en amarillo. Dos vestidos que lo que tienen en comun, a parte de gustarme, es el color amarillo.

This song came to my mind as in today's entry, I'll share with you two looks in yellow. Two dresses that, besides me liking them, have one colour in common, yellow.

El primero es un vestido de Next, con detalles en blanco.

The first one is a dress from Next, with some details in white.

El segundo, de Mango, con una raya blanca en en centro.

The second, from Mango, has a white stripe in the middle.

Ambos son muy fresquitos e ideales para el verano. Tanto para ir a trabajar como para salir a pasear por el Retiro un dia de calorcillo, de esos que estan a punto de llegar.

Both of them are very fresh for the summer.  Both outfits are ok for work, or for a walk through the Retiro one of those warm days that are about to arrive.

Ya iremos viendo mas colores para el verano. A vosotras cuales os llaman la atencion? No dejeis de comentarlo.

In the next post we will have a look at other colours for the summer. And you, what colours call your attention? Please comment.
Hasta pronto!

See you soon!

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